Sustainable waste management projects:
As part of SIRCLES project, EDAMA, its Jordanian partner, is leading the composting pilot project in Aqaba. The project focuses on building new capacities oriented towards business development, separation, collection, and composting of biowaste. The Aqaba region and the composting location have been carefully selected by the business association in partnership with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) due to its high food waste generation from the hospitality industry.
The facility has been officially operating since February 2023 and receiving organic waste from hotels. The eight trained locals are managing the composting facility, regularly monitoring waste temperature levels, moisture levels, and pH levels, ensuring an efficient breakdown of the organic matter into nutrient-rich compost. This marks a major milestone in reducing the amount of waste in landfills and improving soil fertility in the city.
On the other hand, as part of Med4waste project, Edama is contributing to the implementation of an Integrated Municipal Waste Management Plans in Madaba and Berain while creating green jobs.
Photos: Courtesy of EDAMA and Sircles projects