07 Mar 2016
Beit Yanai, Israel
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Waste Management

HomeBiogas, an innovative system created by an Israeli startup, is one that transforms food waste into cooking gas and liquid fertilizer on a daily basis. Designed for home use, this system also opens up new possibilities in remote areas that face problems accessing electricity.

HomeBiogas tackles one of humanity’s biggest challenges: providing clean cooking gas to more than 3 billion people who are still cooking on charcoal, exposed to life-threatening toxic air pollutants on a daily basis, by transforming food waste and manure into daily cooking gas and liquid fertilizer. Starting off as an alternative energy solution, HomeBiogas expanded the impact by addressing one of the biggest issues in developing countries – lack of access to sanitation solutions. 2.5 billion people worldwide don’t have access to basic sanitation, which increases the risk of water pollution, transmission of diseases, and the death of aquatic life.

Created in 2012 by Yair Teller and Oshik Efrati, this Israeli startup develops anaerobic biodigesters that are sold in kits that can easily be installed in gardens. Seven years of research were required to develop this ingenious system. HomeBiogas has now about 9,000 units in 106 countries.

The entrepreneur turning organic waste to gas | The Switchers

Every day the digester can handle about six liters of food waste or 15 liters of organic material of animal origin. This process can produce about 600 liters of clean gas per day (the equivalent of three hours of cooking) and six liters of high-quality liquid fertilizer.

"HomeBiogas helps the environment by providing a tool that not only treats waste but also extracts and maximizes waste’s potential as a renewable resource,"Oshik Efrati, co-founder of HomeBiogas
The entrepreneur turning organic waste to gas | The Switchers

HomeBiogas is a virtuous system at all levels. First, because it allows the treatment of household waste. Then the recycling of this waste can produce clean and free energy as well as fertilizers. Finally, the fertilizer production encourages domestic agriculture. According to its creators, HomeBiogas allows users to reduce their C02 emissions by up to six tons per year.

First introduced to the world during the Cop21 conference in Paris in december 2015, this system offers an innovative solution for remote areas that do not have access to electricity. HomeBiogas therefore sets up projects co-financed with governments from all around the world and some of the world’s largest organizations like:  USAID, the EU, the UN, SNV, the International Red Cross, the Peres Center for Peace and WWF, to enable people in rural areas to produce their own biogas. In 2015, the company installed around forty digesters in the Palestinian village of Al Awja as part of a project funded by the European Union.

HomeBiogas Production of biogas