29 Nov 2016
Al Hoceiema, Morocco
Sustainable Food and Agriculture

With the participation of nearly 700 fishermen around Al Hoceima National Park, AGIR, the Integrated Resources Management Association (Association de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources) contributes to the conservation of marine ecosystems and making the local fishing more socially and environmentally sustainable.

The Mediterranean marine ecosystems are endowed with a unique richness, but they are very fragile. AGIR has set up multidisciplinary awareness and training programs for hundreds of fishermen who have been able to contribute to the fight against illegal fishing and promote the restoration of marine ecosystems.

Today, artisanal fishermen are ensuring the maintenance of the healthy marine ecosystem which is beneficial to the entire local community.

This project consists of the sustainable management of marine resources and favors artisanal fishery products by reorganizing fishermen in as cooperatives.

From an ecological point of view, the project allows fishing activity to be sustainable in the long term. This is why the project develops activities to improve the management of protected areas, in particular by ensuring their financial viability and also by the participation of local communities.

This initiative has many environmental and social benefits, since it increases fish catches without increasing fishing effort and allows better marketing of artisanal products, as well as increasing the income of fishermen and their families.

“Fishermen understand nature, and together we will find solutions to conserve it and to conserve its future.” Mr. Nibani Houssine, President of the association AGIR
The return of artisanal fishing to Al Hoceima National Park | The Switchers

Photos by

©Thomas Furnier

© Houssine Nibani

AGIR Artisanal Fishing