07 Mar 2017
Jubeiha, Jordan
Sustainable Tourism

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature is an independent national organisation created in 1966 devoted to the conservation of Jordan’s natural resources.

RSCN has developed many conservation projects that aim to integrate environmental protection with the socio-economic development of local people living in and around the natural reserves in Jordan. The RSCN is also committed to the development of sustainable tourism: through its trademark Wild Jordan, the RSCN sells responsible tourism products and handicrafts, thereby creating sustainable economic and social benefits for local communities.

Wild Jordan is an innovative approach to sustainable tourism in Jordan.

At the beginning, the RSCN was created by a group of hunters after observing a reduction in the number of specific species in Jordan.

Years after years, the organisation revolutionized the strategies in nature conservation in the country. Protected areas are no longer restricted to the most privileged and are now recognized as the principal pillar for rural development and integration. Such environmental entrepreneurship, combined with a people-centred philosophy, led to more popular support for conservation and diminished RCSN’s need for government financial support. RSNC is now one of the biggest organization working for the protection of the environment in Jordan.

Developing nature based businesses for a sustainable future.

By working directly with local villages and Bedouin communities, Wild Jordan created income-generating projects that leans upon the Reserve’s natural beauty and wildlife to generate employment opportunities. These projects include small handicraft enterprises and different tourism facilities such as ecolodges, campsites as well as tours in nature reserve. By doing so, Wild Jordan offers alternatives and sustainable livelihood for the poorest communities in Jordan.

A real impact on nature conservation.

Every project carried out as part of the Wild Jordan division has a strong environmental focus. For instance, all of the ecolodge follow a very strict policy related to water consumption, energy efficiency (solar systems have recently been installed on 5 sites), recycling (among others) in order to reduce resource consumption. By doing so, Wild Jordan also contributes to raise local communities and public awareness in environmental matters and nature conservation.

True benefits for local communities.

Thanks to Wild Jordan, thriving eco-tourism and handicraft enterprises have been established, creating jobs for hundreds of people. Wild Jordan supported handicraft workshops that create typical handmade products such as silver jewelry, olive oil, soap, jams, embroidery, ceramics, herbal teas and leather products. The products are sold at Wild Jordan Center and contribute to enhancing the livelihoods of over 60 local women.

RSCN is also providing training and capacity building to environmental practitioners and other institutions throughout Jordan and the Middle East in an attempt to share its expertise and empower others to join in the protection of nature.

A pioneer in the sustainable development of Jordan | The Switchers
RSCN Wild Jordan Sustainable Tourism