08 May 2017
Cabo de Gata, Spain
Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Waste Management

The Artisanal Fishermen Association of Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park “PESCARTES” was raised within the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, a unique protected area located in Andalusia and internationally recognized as a Biosphere Reserve.

PESCARTES is a project that emerged in 2004 thanks to the initiative of local fishermen who promoted the creation of an artisanal fishermen association to make known the fishing activities that traditionally had been developed inside the current Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar.

The small-scale fishing vessels, although still being the majority of vessels in the Mediterranean, have suffered a significant decline in recent decades. This was one of the reasons behind the creation of PESCARTES, which aims to defend the future of the artisanal fishing activities and preserve the social and cultural heritage of the coastal villages of the area (Cabo Gata, San José, La Isleta, Las Negras, Aguamarga and Carboneras).

We are artisanal fishermen. We use traditional fishing gears that show utmost respect to the marine environment and the season of each species. As fishermen, we are not only trying to carry out our activity causing the least possible impact, but we also want to spread the values linked to the conservation of the Natural Park.” Luís Rodríguez, fisherman and president of PESCARTES.


In the long term, the association intends to continue carrying out activities to promote the importance of fishing communities and develop actions to allow the diversification of the sector, such as sustainable fishing tourism and a greater social involvement of artisanal fishermen. Among others, PESCARTES aims to achieve a co-management plan to ensure the future and long-term maintenance of artisanal fisheries in this area.


Pescartes Resource efficiency and sustainable waste management