Circus Computer
This tech startup is using your old Mac to bridge Africa’s digital divide
One Casablanca-based startup is putting your old computers to good use in the battle to bridge Africa's digital divide.
One Casablanca-based startup is putting your old computers to good use in the battle to bridge Africa's digital divide.
With our fast-food culture, our consumption of technology and what accompanies it leaves us with piles of hazardous materials to treat, posing, a huge health threat in both developed and developing countries.
The Walking Tech continues to use recycled materials in its products, hoping to set an example of sustainability for other Palestinian businesses to follow.
Brian Cardona toured his country, Malta, as well as other European countries to salvage the waste and sustainably upcycle or recycle it.
In Palestine, the entrepreneur Tasneem Abuhijleh is setting up Tafkeek, an e-waste dismantling facility that aims at connecting e-waste generators in Palestine and e-waste recycling companies abroad, mainly in Europe and Asia.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are a real danger to the environment if they are not collected and recycled. Given this situation, the young entrepreneur Mostafa Hemdan created Recyclobekia, the first company in Egypt that recycles electronic waste.