Cotó Roig
A story of no ordinary cotton sweeps Spain’s conventional textile industry
Cotó Roig is a Spanish initiative employing Integrated Production in growing cotton, rather than resorting to the conventional way.
Cotó Roig is a Spanish initiative employing Integrated Production in growing cotton, rather than resorting to the conventional way.
Nour Kays collects and repurposes used plastic carrier bags into a new material that she uses to create a collection of fashionable, eco-friendly and handmade bags, pouches, and accessories.
Asli 's Closet is a supportive e-shop where people can sell their clothes while supporting a good cause. The income earned on sales is donated to various associations and Turkish NGOs working for the environment, equal opportunities, rights of...
KF Refuge est le fruit d’une aventure humaine, celle de Karim Traoré, jeune couturier ivoirien de 28 ans. Alors qu’il vivait dans un camp de réfugiés en Tunisie, il a eu l’idée de fabriquer des sacs avec des matériaux...
SEKEM operates a series of companies that creates sustainable and biodynamic food, textiles and herbal pharmaceuticals.
Nadia Dajani is an ethical jewelery brand based in Amman that employs Jordanian women who often do not have the opportunity to work.
CTCR helps European footwear companies remain competitive and environmentally-responsible by conducting research and development services.
Ghitta Laskrouif reinvents clothes, by reusing/upcycling fabrics or materials and creating handmade products with a high aesthetic that reduces the need to consume.
In 2002 Fiona Capdevila started a research about the possibilities of used clothes to produce fashion, and this aim has driven her work to design and produce many products & collections, to develop a Brand and a concept, which...
Kutuno is a Spanish-Egyptian brand that designs certified organic and fair trade cotton clothing for babies around the world.
Established in 2010 in Tel Aviv, Israel, Tamar Shalem is a slow fashion brand that produces high-quality handmade shoes with the objective that people feel good.
VEA designs and creates a full line of bags and accessories using upcycled rubber inner tubes from bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.