Blue Filter
“Clean Water for All“ – Blue Filter’s water purification technology using natural, plant-based materials in Gaza
They lost everything. Now, they're fighting for the most basic necessity: clean water. Support the rebuilding of Gaza.
They lost everything. Now, they're fighting for the most basic necessity: clean water. Support the rebuilding of Gaza.
Mnjm is a Palestinian recycling startup that sells raw materials to factories and changes community attitudes towards trash.
Dar Abu Hassan Guest House helps tourists engage with the ancient farming, cooking and cultural practices in the stunning village of Battir, Palestine.
Auja Eco Center is an entity that took upon itself the grand task of protecting the valley’s landscape as well as supporting its inhabitants.
“The idea combines my love for the city, Bethlehem, the hospitality industry, cuisine, local produce, and giving back to the local community,” Fadi Kattan says.
Saleh Totah, a Palestinian entrepreneur wanted to start a cafe in a flat owned by his family. He then remodeled and built a restaurant inside it and it wasn’t until two years later when he opened it.
Palestine Green Building Council is what the organization is called and they managed to earn the licensing for green buildings in 2011, Environmental Projects Coordinator, Haneen Sharif says.
Agricultural engineer Jamma Abo El Hasan plans to use bed sheets to clamp down on evaporation of irrigation water, a key challenge for Palestinian farmers.
The difficulties Palglass encountered might have slowed the process, yet, it set a goal and attained it by learning all the tricks of crafting jettisoned glass into sightly artifacts.
The Walking Tech continues to use recycled materials in its products, hoping to set an example of sustainability for other Palestinian businesses to follow.
Palovina is a Palestinian business that sells skin care and cosmetic products from Ramallah, and the company's entire range is 100% natural.
In Palestine, the entrepreneur Tasneem Abuhijleh is setting up Tafkeek, an e-waste dismantling facility that aims at connecting e-waste generators in Palestine and e-waste recycling companies abroad, mainly in Europe and Asia.