Notre équipe


Depuis sa création en 2016, la communauté Switchers prospère grâce à une équipe passionnée et en constante évolution qui joue un rôle vital dans la promotion des innovateurs verts à travers la Méditerranée. À la tête de l’équipe se trouve actuellement (en 2024) Helena Busquet Comalat qui est responsable du projet. A ses côtés se trouve Khalil Ellouze, responsable de la communauté et storyteller, depuis 2019.

S’il s’agit de l’équipe actuelle, un groupe dévoué d’anciens membres a posé les bases du succès de la communauté. Il s’agit notamment de Daniel Hires et Ananda Alonso (chefs de projet), Eman El-Sherbiny (rédactrice en chef), David Wood et Kristin Hanes (storytellers), Mayya Husseini (responsable de communauté), Marta Casanovas Pesarodonna et Pol Santalo (anciens responsables de l’engagement) et Lilia Bacha (traductrice anglais-français).

Helena Busquet Comalat, Community Engagement Officer// basée à Barcelona

Ever curious and passionate about green ventures, Helena is a recent addition to the Switchers team (early 2024), and her enthusiasm is contagious!


Khalil Ellouze // Community Manager and Storyteller // basé à Tunis

Khalil is an industrial engineer who studied biotechnology applied to marine resources. He finally left this world to communicate about sustainable development projects in the Mediterranean.

Marta Casanovas Pesarrodona//Ex-Project manager// basé à Barcelone

Marta occupait auparavant le poste de responsable du projet Switchers et a contribué à la mise en place de structures de soutien aux entreprises écologiques dans la région du sud de la Méditerranée/MENA.

Pol Santalo//Ex-Project manager// basé à Barcelone

Auparavant, Pol était responsable du projet Switchers et a contribué à la mise en place de structures de soutien aux entrepreneurs écologiques dans la région du sud de la Méditerranée / de la zone MENA.

Ananda Alonso//Ex-Project manager// basé à Barcelone

Auparavant, Ananda était responsable du projet Switchers et a contribué à la mise en place de structures de soutien aux entrepreneurs écologiques dans la région du sud de la Méditerranée / de la zone MENA. Maintenant elle gère la composante investissement d’impact à Medwaves.

Daniel Hires // Ex-Project Manager // Currently based in Barcelona

Daniel is a marketing and innovation expert working at the intersection of sustainability, startups, and social entrepreneurship. He is passionate about building communities that empower people to take collaborative action on their ideas for a better world. Daniel is a published author, has 10 years of experience in leading teams, and and has been catalyzing impactful entrepreneurs since 2011.

Daniel manages the Switchers project, and is building support structures for green entrepreneurs in the Southern Mediterranean/MENA region.

Daniel can be found online at & on Twitter.

Eman El-Sherbiny // Managing Editor // Currently based in Cairo 

Some years ago, Eman left the world of Veterinary Science to pursue a career in journalism and hasn’t looked back since. Since then, she has established herself as a freelance editor and finance journalist who focuses on stories of emerging startups, sustainability artisans and the environment. She has worked with major regional and international outlets on matters of politics and economy and has long been a publication strategist. Eman draws, paints and reads an excess number of Margaret Atwood and John Simpson books. She plans to put her skillset to great use with The Switchers to make sure our community is well-set on the sustainability map.

Eman can be found online on Twitter.

David Wood // Storyteller // Currently based in Cairo

David started his career out as a commercial lawyer in Melbourne, Australia, but it took only a couple of years for his twin passions of writing and travel to open up a different path. He traded his suit for a pair of cowboy boots, completing a Master’s degree at the University of Texas at Austin. Since graduating last year, he has worked as a freelance journalist based in Accra, Ghana, and Cairo, Egypt.

David can be found online at Twitter.

Kristin Hanes // Storyteller // Currently based in San Francisco

Kristin Hanes is a journalist who has a passion for the environment, sustainability and science. She loves telling stories about people who are making a real difference in the world. Kristin worked in broadcast journalism for 14 years and has written for a wide variety of local and national publications. Kristin can be found at and on Twitter.

Mayya Husseini // Community Manager // Currently based in Barcelona 

Mayya is a public health nutritionist turned food sustainability advocate & writer with experience in both the public & private sector. Her passion for campaigning for change brought her to the world of social entrepreneurship where she found her calling of inspiring people to take matters into their own hands and create the change they want to be and see in the world around them. She often finds herself at the heart of these kinds of communities and thoroughly enjoys sharing & spreading this can-do attitude, particularly where food is involved!

Mayya can be found online at, on Facebook & Instagram.

Lilia Bacha // English-French Translator // Currently based in Paris

With an artistic background, Lilia is also a translator, writer, FLE teacher, and a graphic designer. One thing connects all this: her interest in ecology and society. Feeling powerless as an isolated individual, she was aware that personal choices were not enough – with The Switchers, she found a way to give more impact to her actions.

Lilia can be found online at