04 May 2023

Switchers gather to pave the way for a greener future economy in Catalonia

On April 21st 2023, Medwaves center hosted in Sant pau Recinte Modernista (Barcelona) “the circular economy co-creation workshop”, bringing together diverse stakeholders to explore sustainable solutions for a just transition towards circular economy in Catalonia. The workshop is part of the JUST2CE project funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme.

Around 50 participants from public institutions, civil society organisations, the private sector and academia worked together and created local scenarios that will pave the way for a greener future economy.

Among the private sector representatives, our Switchers Zicla and Meet&Map, along with other future Switchers Boscat, POPSICASE and Bumerang, contributed to the workshop by evaluating the main variables to implement circular economy practices capable of generating benefits for people, nature and the economy in Catalonia.

Zicla, with its award-winning product lines is also an excellent example of how green businesses contribute to make more sustainable cities. In fact, Zicla finds innovative ways to reduce and reuse urban waste, including creating mobility systems that encourage more sustainable behaviours.

The event was also an opportunity to meet with like-minded professionals sharing the same vision.

“Peer-to-peer networking makes us feel part of a community; moreover it is the only way to build human trust that can bring new stakeholders, partners, clients to support our activity”, said Claudia Dakhil founder of Meet and Maps
Switchers gather to pave the way for a greener future economy in Catalonia | The Switchers

Meet&Map helps aspiring social entrepreneurs across Europe to get started with helpful networking, marketing, and corporate strategies

Creative ideas have emerged shaping the way we will live and work, while strong bonds between inspiring people have been created making the JUST2CE workshop a successful one.

“As switchers we need to feel part of a bigger frame and understand more and more how we are part of the changes we want to see. With these new inputs we can explain better our services and the new social models that we belong to”. Claudia Dakhil