An ecolodge in tune with its environment
The ecolodge, located in the village of M’Garsa is a place that embraces the various activities of the association. There is a community lodging, unusual accommodation in the trees, guest rooms, food gardens, an orchard, meeting rooms, a library, an open-air theatre…
Buildings constructed with local materials are equipped with solar panels. The members of the association pay particular attention to water consumption. Indeed, due to the mass tourism on the island, an average tourist in Djerba consumes between 400 to 800 litres of water per day when only 10 litres of water per person per day are delivered to the village of Mgarsa.
An action of solidarity
The activities are primarily aimed at young Tunisians and environmental education is one of the pillars of Terre d’Oasis:
– Understanding agro-ecology, permaculture and nourishing gardens with the help of seeds adapted to the drought and salinity of Djerba’s soils .
– Experiment with young people in vertical, above-ground gardens…
– Transmit know-how on self-construction with local natural elements: earth, straw, algae, palm wood, also insisting on energy autonomy…
– Organize class trips: green classes, discovery classes to raise awareness of sustainable development among the youngest children…