29 Nov 2020
Bizerte, Tunisia
Sustainable Food and Agriculture

The mission of Club Bleu Artisanal is to involve artisanal fishermen in the sustainable management of the coastal ecosystem on which their activities depend.

The project has been developed thanks to the fishermen and restaurant owners with the help of the Italy – Tunisia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013. This program aims to promote the socio-economic development and regional integration of the territories through a joint action aimed at valorizing local traditions and cultures in Tunisia and Sicily.

Club Bleu Artisanal consists of a supply chain that puts the artisanal fishermen of Sidi Mechreg (Bizerte, Tunisia) and Mazara del Vallo (Sicily, Italy) in direct contact with restaurants in Bizerte in Tunisia and in Trapani and Mazara del Vallo in Sicily, which allows to highlight the gastronomic heritage of the territories.

The project promotes responsible artisanal fishing and encourages the use of environmentally friendly fishing gear.

Club Bleu Artisanal, a cross-border club for the promotion of artisanal fishing | The Switchers
Club Bleu Artisanal, a cross-border club for the promotion of artisanal fishing | The Switchers

On the social side, the increase and improvement of the networks of sale and purchase of local fish increases the income of fishermen and their families, which allows a better quality of life for the coastal peoples of Tunisia and thus helps to fix the local population and limit illegal immigration.

Culturally, the Club Bleu Artisanal helps to improve the tourist offer by promoting local traditions and cultures in the villages where the project is developing.

Club Bleu Artisanal, a cross-border club for the promotion of artisanal fishing | The Switchers
Club Bleu Artisanal, a cross-border club for the promotion of artisanal fishing | The Switchers
"This project makes it possible to travel with respect for the people, their culture and their environment."Mr. Yassine Skandrani, Director of the Club Bleu Artisanal

In the long term, the Club Bleu Artisanal aims to grow the network of responsible artisanal fishermen as well as improve the sales and purchasing networks of artisanal fishing products and promote a brand of appellation contrôlée for tourist products and services.

Club Bleu Artisanal Sustainable Fishing