While the government is working towards empowering certain businesses, tax increase is a reality FREE S.A.L has to face. “The increase targeted SMEs rather than big enterprises, which directly affects the purchasing power of the people,” Skayem explains. “SMEs are the ones creating jobs in Lebanon, and that affects growth.”
Some say businesses like FREE S.A.L should get differential treatment from the government. “As a supplier of green and environmental friendly solutions, FREE S.A.L should be granted more deductions in taxes and be granted more financial facilities and subsidy in order to encourage more people to invest in renewable energy,” says Elia Ghorra, Manager of Domaine de Taanayel, one of Arcenciel’s centers in Taanayel (Arcenciel is a sustainable development NGO based in Lebanon).
Where the demand lies, there is FREE S.A.L:
Between the public and the private sector, Skayem says the latter is more active. “We are already in the process of expanding abroad,” he added.
Amongst the company’s clients are the Golf Club of Lebanon. “FREE S.A.L proved to be a great partner for the Golf Club of Lebanon. They have helped us understand how to optimize our resources and reduce our [energy] consumption,” says Karim Salaam, President of the Lebanese Golf Federation.
“I believe that FREE S.A.L need help in creating a more aware community on the importance of their services,” notes Salaam. “The work they do is crucial to any facility or industry. I believe they have the right team and resources to scale up. They just need the suitable platform and means to ensure decent projects abroad.”