Mikhael traces his intriguing career path as surgeon-turned-sustainable-furniture-designer to competing pressures from his upbringing in Agamy, just outside Alexandria.
On the one hand, Mikhael’s father sparked his son’s lifelong passion for woodwork by building a home carpentry workshop. The young Mikhael immediately saw the potential for turning forgotten pieces of wood — including those swept ashore after storms — into something beautiful.
Yet when it came to choosing a career, Mikhael’s family of doctors wanted him to follow suit instead of pursuing something more artistic. “My family saw art as something that does not make you a living,” recalled Mikhael.
Eventually, the lure of Mikhael’s woodwork fascination proved stronger than his parents’ well-meaning career advice. After balancing medicine and carpentry for several years, Mikhael decided to quit as an orthopedic surgeon and focus on Gazwareen, his sustainable furniture business.