Hashem said Dr. WEEE’s long-term goal is to manage all e-waste processing at their facility. He anticipates being able to refine metals and produce new recycled products from e-waste within the next two to three years. In the meantime, the team is preparing a portable electronic waste shredder that can be transferred to any place for the secure destruction and recycling of computer hard drives. Technology like this would be a first for the MENA region, and allow Dr. WEEE to tap into recycling for the lucrative government and banking sectors. It would also expand Dr. WEEE’s impact, which is currently limited to the amount of e-waste they can collect from private citizens through the app, and two small corporations.
Franchising a cleaner future:
Another way Dr. WEEE will grow its impact is by franchising its solution to countries around the world. Earlier in 2017, the business found its first franchise partner in South Africa, the continent’s second largest producer of e-waste. The partner is a company called CMYK Industries, and it works to supply and help customers remanufacture and recycle their printer cartridges.
Founder Patrick Naude first learned of Dr. WEEE when he visited Egypt on a business trip. There, he met with Hashem, where he found out about the impact of e-waste recycling and how he could incorporate it into his company.
“We have many customers who do not know how to dispose of electronic items in a safe way,” Naude said. “I believe with training and education, CMYK Industries can begin to take a portion of that waste, and with the help of our partners and Dr. WEEE, dispose of it correctly. It made sense to add Dr. WEEE to our business and offer it as a benefit to our customers.”
Now that a South African partner has been found, Hashem and his team are looking next to expand to Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Dr. WEEE has three franchise levels, and all franchisees are trained to collect, dismantle, and classify their e-waste so they can sell or export it. In the end, their impact also becomes that of Dr. WEEE.
Until then, Dr. WEEE and Hashem are setting their sights inward to tackle the Egyptian e-waste market and make their mad scientist a little less mad.
Web: http://drweee.net/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/DrWEEE/
Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eco.drweee
Photos: Courtesy of Dr. WEEE