What’s behind ElectroWaste Malta Ltd:
Cardona’s business wasn’t always in full glory; the company found it difficult to monetize its outcome. “We had to show results. Only then, other companies started knocking on our door,” Cardona adds. “We received calls to apply for European funds and similar opportunities.” Cardona’s zeal does not stop at that. The entrepreneur started his own non-profit association to represent recyclers of other businesses.
Cardona who is stationed in Zebbug, Central Malta, with the facility based in Bulebel, aspires to expand overseas; namely Morocco and Tunisia. “I already have a company called Refab LIGHT BLUE CORPORATION LTD that recycles clothes, and through it, we export a lot of materials to both Tunisia and Morocco,” explains Cardona.
The details of how ElectroWaste Malta Ltd operates:
Handling electronic waste is no cakewalk. It can lead to inhaling toxic fumes and even causing irreversible damage in children. In Cardona’s line of business, his team is clued in. “Once we receive electronic waste, we sort it to see what kind of waste to determine how to handle it and which procedure to take to lessen its hazards,” Cardona remarks. “Then we get permits from official authorities to make a transfer from one place (client) to another (our facility) and do a CN number and a transfer note with all the client’s details on it, then send a copy to the authorities.”
Only then does Cardona’s team transfer the waste to his facility, which all have codes depending on the waste’s type. “After that, the separation and dismantling take place to sort out the different parts, then load them in containers to be exported or go to another part of our factory to extract the precious metals,” adds Cardona.
The precious metals are then usually sold to other companies in Malta and Germany. “We have partnerships in Germany and Kenya, and are looking to expand beyond that,” says Cardona.