Finally, five years after that initial launch, Cardboard Technologies is gearing up to manufacture and sell its first bike. Rather than creating the adult bike, the company is first focusing on mass producing its balance bike — a tricycle-like cycle to help kids get the hang of riding.
“It’s the first set of wheels anyone gets, and it often costs as much as a bike, but the lifetime of use is much shorter,” says Elmish. The more affordable price (between $39 and $49) and lightweight (2.5 kilograms) figures make the cardboard balance bike a more realistic market option. And because kids’ bikes are considered toys, there are slightly less regulatory loopholes.
Mass production will start in March 2018 in Israel, and Elmish says the first two years of product — approximately 500,000 bikes annually — has already been snapped up by huge retailers, and other North American providers.
As for the launch, Elmish says it will be more low-key than the viral marketing campaign of the past.
Cardboard for social good:
Bicycles are not the only product Cardboard Technologies will produce. The next production line will create a cardboard wheelchair that is already fully developed as a product — and then the adult bicycle. If the company’s timelines are on track, Elmish says these three products will be ready in the next 18 to 24 months. Gafni has even developed the initial prototype for a cardboard car.
“We also want to create disaster area management housing,” says Elmish, referring to the structures built in refugee camps or after a natural disaster has struck. “Houses made of cardboard would be fast to build, have low cost, and would be durable. From there, it’s like LEGO.”
Whatever the product, the plan is to create localized production lines around the world in order to provide low cost, if not free, bikes to families and individuals who want them, can’t afford them, and will receive them through corporate responsibility projects.
Despite the lessons of the past, Gafni and Elmish remain energized and optimistic. After all, what are a few roadblocks when you ultimately end up completing the journey on the cardboard bike that everyone said was impossible?
Find Cardboard Technologies through their website, their Facebook, or on YouTube.
Images: Courtesy of Cardboard Technologies.