01 Feb 2019
Beni Hassen, Tunisia
Sustainable Cleaning Products and Cosmetics

Nabila Mahjoub, 39 years old from the south of Tunisia wanted to start her own project hiring women workers, called Bio Vall. The nine-year-old initiative lacked someone to help with the commercial side of things. To which, a relative, Hinda Regaieg was enthusiastic and became part of it.

“I help with communication as well, as it is a challenge to work and persevere in the south,” Regaieg says appreciatively. The initiative which lies between Mahdia and Sfax employs 10 local women. “[Nabila] now works in Kasserine, which is a very poor area, where she might buy a piece of land for business,” Regaieg adds.

Bio Vall’s main activities are extracting oil from fruit seeds, which she sells all across the country. “Starting April, Bio Vall can be found in pharmacies,” Regaieg notes adding that Nabila is currently working on the packaging for the oil products being deployed to pharmacies.

Nabila is also waiting on the Ecosec, green certificate from France. Additionally, Bio Vall will also be available for exports to countries like France and beyond. “We were approached by a French businessman in December to buy five bottles of oil and we’re now discussing the logistics of exporting to France,” Regaieg remarks.

Regaieg who lived in France for seven years and is well aware of the French market is handling Bio Vall’s outreach beyond Tunisia’s borders and high-end market. “Nabila is mainly concerned at the moment about including 10 more women on board of the business,” she shares.

Most customers are in Tunis, whether Tunisians or French expats. “Three months ago, we started reaching out to more people via Facebook and we send our merchandise through DHL all the way to Belgium,” Regaieg says.

Social media is also how she reached out to people in the north of Tunisia. “We also hold events like one that I recently conducted in the upscale La Marsa, in Tunis, and in March we have an exhibition for 10 days,” she adds.


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Bio Vall Organic food & agriculture