Amongst Lebanese, El Helou is far from alone in her astonishment at the country’s deeply flawed management of solid waste. Public authorities rely overwhelmingly on landfill disposal sites, often leaving community organisations to run recycling projects.
According to El Helou, unsustainable attitudes to waste management also persist throughout the community. Five years on from the garbage crisis, litter is still strewn across many public spaces, while households and offices often fail to recycle plastic and other materials effectively. El Helou saw the need for an urgent, widespread attitude change.
El Helou scoured the internet for inspiration about how she could contribute solutions to Lebanon’s garbage problem. That search brought her to her business idea — an eco-friendly distributorship of plastic alternatives — along with a business name.
“I was looking for alternatives to plastic products and I sought for them online,” El Helou said. “This is where the company name came from!” Neatly, the Arabic homonym for the word sought means “voice,” reflecting El Helou’s passion for raising awareness about the environmental danger posed by plastic waste.