The environmental implications of Bioo’s research are enormous. The Bioo Panel can be installed underground in a public park, where it blends with the green surrounds while generating clean power for lighting. Another product, the Bioo Sensor, can run an agricultural battery for ten years from irrigation water. The latter stands out as an especially timely invention, amid concern about the environmental impact of the increasingly popular battery.
Even Bioo’s company reactor cleans, rather than harms, the environment — by reducing CO2 emissions and, in some circumstances, drawing energy from acid rain. “The mission continues being to merge nature and technology,” said Kravchenko.
Bioo has attracted plenty of plaudits with this eye-catching raison d’être. Bioo attended a ceremony in the European Parliament, where the company headed the annual list for 50 Best Startups in Europe. Bioo then represented Europe at the Future Energy World Expo 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The Kazakhs were so impressed with Bioo’s stand that it will remain on permanent display in the Museum of Future Energies of Astana.