agrimatic also provides alternative investment opportunities, with attractive rates of return and the chance to own a farm without possessing the land or background in farming. “We have received several investments, mainly from individual agents, though organizations have the opportunity to invest,” said ElSaid. “Money is important, but not as a value in itself, and is subjected to agrimatic’s guiding principles: “We only make room for rounds of investments according to our expansion plan strategy,” she explained.
The startup also welcomes everyone interested in different disciplines. “We have a fairly large team with different specializations and encourage people to join us to learn more. It can be the technical part, ranging from agriculture, aquaculture, botany, chemistry, microbiology to mechanical/industrial water engineering, or the business part, including market research, marketing, sales, PR and business development”, ElSaid said.
The company has also recently conducted several internship experiences for students and recent graduates that proved to be very popular. While asked about possible reasons for this, ElSaid answered: “They get to learn a lot: being an active part of a rapidly growing entity, while doing work that is actually used in our operations. This is not very common in other internships.”
Finally, they are open to visits from schools and universities, where students can see the system and learn more about the farm onsite.
agrimatic hopes to solve in the future many of the root causes of food scarcity not only in Egypt and the MENA region, but the whole world and beyond – employing the technique on other planets. Maybe soon, Life on Mars will be more than just a Bowie´s song.
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