There is an acute need for clean drinking water worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are 844 million people who still lack access to even a basic drinking water service. There is no shortage of water on Earth — bodies of water cover 72% of the globe, but less than 1% of that liquid is fresh water. As such, the process of desalination of sea water has been presented as a solution in countries with ocean access, but a shortage of water. The technology currently used in the desalination process is extremely energy intensive, though, and its use has been primarily restricted to wealthy countries.
Introducing Eliodomestico:
Diamanti says his invention can help. Eliodomestico is a water distilling solar oven that was created at a low production cost. Water distillers are not a new technology, and have been used for years to desalinate sea water and purify brackish or contaminated water. However, the techniques used to-date have required much labor, expertise, and maintenance. The Eliodomestico device is simple enough to be used by one person in their home, and the cost issue is minimized as the distiller is created with simple materials.