Play Go Round may only have held its soft opening in late 2019, but that still recent milestone concluded an impressive planning period. The partners stumbled upon the business concept at their daughter’s 3rd birthday party, when the star attraction received an astronomical number of “trendy” toys from her friends.
Baz quickly realised that the gifts were not suited to his daughter’s development needs. “During the following year, she had a room full of plastic dolls, houses and games that she wasn’t really playing with,” Baz said. These toys, like so many others around the world, were prime candidates for landfill.
To tackle the toy industry’s wastefulness, Baz and his partner did extensive research and consulted several pediatricians and child psychologists. They discovered that children are more likely to become bored with toys if they have an overly wide selection.
Play Go Round satisfies this pedagogical need by providing a range selection of toys, which families can exchange for new boxes at the appropriate time. Of course, this business model also supports the circular economy by allowing other children to benefit from the toys after they are returned.