Throughout the recent years an unprecedented emergence of health problems has occurred caused by a dietary change coupled with an increase in pollution. This unhealthy diet induces a lack of vitamins and minerals, while industrial supplements are not the best solution for this problem as causing kidney failure and liver deposits.
Nutritionist Amina Abu Hamdeh is very much mindful of this niche market and found an innovative business idea that triggered the creation of her company, OroVerda: a platform in green micro-businesses & planting technologies.
“Malnutrition is a very common problem in my country and more than 60% of our population have vitamin and mineral deficiencies”, affirms Abu Hamdeh says.
To cope with the market needs in organic, healthy and eco-friendly food, OroVerda is the first local startup product that is affordable organic nutritional value. Abu Hamdeh developed her special multivitamin recipe based mainly on fresh wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is the best source of chlorophyll, aggregator of all vitamin groups, numerous minerals and essential metals like iron and zinc. Her extract is a fantastic digestive aid thanks to its enzymes, amino acids, and vitamin B content. The chlorophyll found in it helps to provide more oxygen to blood which aids the immune system function; it also acts as an excellent energy booster, and has an anti-aging effect on skin and helps in cases of hair loss.