13 Oct 2020
Oran, Misserghin, Algeria
Sustainable Tourism

The Tourist Office of Misserghin is a non-profit association promoting the Oranese hinterland and local products. To achieve this goal, the Office conducts training courses mainly aimed at young people to enable the emergence of tourist guides of tomorrow. This innovation in Algeria has been very fruitful and new guides are trained every year, ready to help people discover the treasures of this region.

Educating to the environment.

Originally, the Tourist Office of Misserghin was called the Algerian Association for Youth and Development. It was created in 2008 to raise awareness among young people about the preservation of their environment. After 4 years of activity, the founders of the association, well aware of the need to continue their actions, wished to strengthen their initiative. Thus, the Misserghin Tourist Office was created in 2012 to promote ecotourism through broader operations.

Training young people.

Located 15km south of Oran, the Tourist Office of the town of Misserghin is an innovation in the tourism sector in Algeria. The Tourist Office organizes free training sessions on the profession of tourist guide, attended mainly by young people and especially women. The participants follow a training program and must design guided tours in the middle of nature in order for their certificate to be validated. This training has been very well received by local institutions, and one year after its implementation, it has been recognized at the national level. The association also organizes visits and hikes for visitors, on themes such as the discovery of medicinal plants or the identification of birds.

Preserving the environment through knowledge.

The Tourist Office of Misserghin makes young people aware of the fragility of its environment and the richness of the biodiversity that the Oranie region contains. Indeed, according to the association, many Algerians are not aware of the beauty and richness of their territory. These visits and hikes give them a better understanding of this ecosystem, allow them to value their natural heritage and make them aware of its protection. Thus, the awareness of visitors in general and young people in particular contributes to preserve the existing natural resources. Through awareness of the preservation of natural resources, the Tourist Office also promotes ecotourism.

Work for women.

Training in the profession of hiking guide allows young people trained and especially women to enter the job market. Supported by the Tourist Office, these new guides can either work on their own by organizing hikes, or work within a tour operator, or join the Tourist Office. Until now often reserved for men, this job allows women to go against the still persistent clichés that nature is too dangerous for them! They feel valued and are proud to be practicing the profession of guide today.

"These trainings of today contribute to the appearance of the Algerian eco-tourists of tomorrow, more inclined to protect nature."Mrs. Latifa HADJAM, Tourist Office of Misserghin.
The training of tomorrow’s tourist guides for a more sustainable Algeria. | The Switchers
OT Misserghin Sustainable Tourism