01 Mar 2019
Jericho, Palestine
Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Waste Management

The Jordan River Valley usually refers to the lower course where it flows into the Dead Sea. It is also one with great significance in both Judaism and Christianity. For that reason amongst others, Auja Eco Center is an entity that took upon itself the grand task of protecting the valley’s landscape as well as supporting its inhabitants.

According to their website, the center does so through environmental education and eco-tourism. “We welcome you to join us in exploring the valley, meeting its people, and preserving its beauty for future generations,” the website reads.

While staying at the center, visitors can hike the valley for hours on foot. The valley is well known for being home to hyenas, wolves, ibexes and gazelles and serves as a vessel where a lot of migratory birds go through.

“You’ll find abundant wild flowers in the springtime, as well as dozens of medicinal herbs and plants. In the desert canyons you can explore some of the oldest Christian monasteries in the world, or stumble across archaeological ruins from Roman times. Traveling on foot is also a great way to meet local people, including the Bedouin families who know these hills better than anyone else,” the website further adds.

In a bid by the center to tackle water scarcity and pollution, and the imminent vanishing of the Dead Sea, they addressed the issues with Palestinians, settlers and Bedouins living in the area. The center offers a two-day investigation tour of the lower part of the valley and the Dead Sea for more awareness and action on the issues at hand.

“Back at the eco-center, Friends of the Earth can provide reports and background information for anyone who is interested to share this story or join the campaign for the rehabilitation of the valley,” the center further states.

Not only adult but kids too get to be taught through colorful, fun ‘learning stations’ in our garden, each dealing with a different aspect of the environment – the value of water, alternative water technology, organic farming, solid waste, and recycling. “Kids can see how grey water is filtered using natural materials, learn about composting, help recycle trash, and lend a hand in the garden,” the website claims.


Learn more about the center through through website and Facebook page.

Auja Eco Center Resource efficiency & sustainable waste management