Yet, the methodology developed within the SwitchMed training programme helped the team address their needs and develop their green business canvases. They realized then that the customer segment can be enlarged to galvanization industry to absorb zinc, dairy industry to absorb organics, and lubrication industry to uptake wasted lubricants and grease. Thus, this project will provide five immediate jobs in the first year, and this number would likely double when the project expands to other customer segments.
Furthermore, during this current incubation phase, SwitchMed coaching sessions are improving Zahdeh, L’Qefan, and Dweik’s pitching skills in order to find potential funding and launch their project. Soon, SwitchMed will organize a ¨Green Start-ups Meet Investors¨ event where our researchers team can put in practice their learning and hopefully, obtain financing.
According to Dweik, Waste by Waste can be replicated and scaled up in many developing countries, improving their public health and working conditions as well as the surrounding environment. In fact, the project contributes to saving underground water, soil, livestock, and humans from chromium contaminations while protecting sewer systems from stone particles pollution.
The story was originally published on the SwitchMed website.