An innovative model of community based tourism.
The New Valley Governorate has particularly rich resources and is very attractive to visitors. When visiting the governorate, NHASD realized that the potential of these resources were not exploited at their maximum. NHASD saw an opportunity to engage social development in the region, create jobs opportunity and a sustainable living for the community. To this end, they created with the local population a community-based tourism in 2008.
A role for everybody!
NHASD is involved in the village of Balat (New Valley Governorate) to support the inhabitants and create a tourist-friendly environment encouraging them to preserve the natural and cultural resources and traditions.
The community has an organic guesthouse providing financial support for other projects in the community, an agricultural farming school (providing food for the guesthouse) and supports the creation of individual initiatives. The local population is in charge of the tourism activities, wether it is a question of greeting the visitors or managing the generated incomes; years after years, NHASD has taught them how to implement a self-sustainable community. The project takes into account everyone leaving in the community, from the women to the farmers; everyone has a role to play.