What they then called Zimmerbus was met with a great reception, pushing the pair towards an expansion into the old city of Beersheba. That is where they restored and renovated a couple of 100-year-old stone houses into guesthouses, according to their website.
“Zimmerbus offers travellers and families a delightful retreat in the area of Kadesh Barnea, rich with Biblical history. The tranquility of the surrounding nature, Ezuz’s colorful community of artists and organic farmers and the comfort and uniqueness of Zimmerbus combine together to provide a place that is refreshing to the weary soul,” the website reads.
When it comes to the structure and types of buses, they list three kinds: The Airport, The Long and The Couple buses.
The Airport Bus for example, which used to be a shuttle bus to and from the airport, has a bedroom, a living room and a kitchenette. It also has a bathroom with a tub and handcrafted mosaics, and a playroom which kids can get to through a magical door.
Outside the bus, there are a swimming pool, a dining table and a hammock overlooking the desert.
Ezuz itself is home to 18 families and is considered the most remote village in Israel. Builders, artists and organic farmers from all walks of life live in the village and many more visit when seeking for a bit of tranquility.
And between cafes and pottery shops, the village is an emblem of creativity and beauty.
Learn more about Zimmerbus through their website and Facebook page.