Plastic packaging, particularly from the food and beverage sector, represents the largest fraction of marine litter to be found on the beaches, the seafloor and in the water column in the Mediterranean. In order to tackle this issue, BeMed is supporting a variety of actions and projects through many ways including technical capitalisation sessions.
Conducted by different entities including the Regional Activity Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), The Small Islands Organisation (SMILO), Plastic Free Balearic, this fifth technical session focused on the “Engagement of private sector and alternatives to single-use plastic products” to exchange of suitable solutions to single-use plastics and strategies to promote their use by businesses.
For this reason, as perfect successful examples of sustainable circular businesses providing alternatives to single-use plastic products, two Switchers have been invited to be part of this session held on 18th November 2021 to enrich the exchange using their good practices and field work experience. Switchers Staramaki and Mumo presented their businesses and how they are contributing to a more sustainable way of living.
Staramaki SCE, a social cooperative enterprise that since 2019, produces a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic straws by using the by-product of local wheat cultivations. It creates employment opportunities while promoting social cohesion, local and regional development.
Mumo is an Istanbul-based initiative, replacing plastic with beeswax wrap. They also produce organic textile, reusable cloth bags to use in shopping and storage of grains and cereals.
“Mumo can help people create less waste and store food in a more healthy way in our kitchens.”ErdemKumkale, founder of Mumo.
Participants were able to explore the availability and adequacy of alternatives to single-use plastic products, in particular contexts. It was also an opportunity to hear the perspectives and progress by the business sector and to exchange with the Switchers community.